The world appears
in intuition.
Institutions are
the immediate
surface of history.
all the usage in the world
The world appears
in intuition.
Institutions are
the immediate
surface of history.
Our concepts determine the structure of our intuitions; they tell us what to make of the appearance of the world, what to think of appearances immediately. Intuitions are conceptual; they occasion the presence of things in experience.
Our emotions determine the texture of our institutions; they tell us what to make of the surfaces of history, who to feel for immediately. Institutions are emotional; they occasion the presence of people in experience.
Painting is the art of seeing.
Music is the art of hearing...
Science is the art of knowing.
Politics is the art of ruling.
Poetry is the art of feeling.
Philosophy is the art of thinking.
It is okay to specialize.
It is okay to live artlessly.
Let us consider the courage
of trees: to emerge, blind
from the seed, in the cold,
dark ground, seeking light,
laying down roots, and then
simply grow, and weather and
grow and be trampled and
grow and spring and fall and
grow and fire and lightning
and grow and night and day
and grow and wind and rain,
the centuries, standing, grown.
Caesar non supra grammaticos.
I am a grammarian.
We will or we will not cry together.
Gertrude Stein