Tuesday, May 20, 2008


The Pangrammaticon is the blogosphere's leader in the deformulation of prose and poetry. Also known as reverse engineering, deformulation is the separation, identification and qualification of images in a literary formula. Our experienced poets have performed deformulations on hundreds of texts and have the skills and the tools to successfully deformulate the most difficult material.

Deformulation analysis uses interpretative techniques and conventional exegetical methods to identify and qualify (at least somewhat) the components of complex literary expressions. The components may include polysemes, plaster cramps, idle chatter, discourse, luxuriants, anecdotes, flame wars, etc. Although we do not guarantee a "cookbook recipe", our analysis, in most instances, identifies the literary hype of major and minor components. An Internet search is also performed when needed to locate the source of similar, commercially-available materials.

We have successfully deformulated a variety of texts...

Our clients often come to us with knowledge of the imagery in their target formula, such as wetness, dissolution or suffering. Using our client's information along with our literary expertise we can create a working "recipe" that meets a variety of needs, including:

Competitive existential characterization
Identification of botch to botch variations
Comparative analysis of "good" and "bad" examples
Copyright infringement or plagiarism

Our experienced poets are kept up-to-date with the latest web content and have developed techniques for unraveling complicated formulations.

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