Monday, September 30, 2019



Sunday, September 29, 2019

Satisfaction is to desire as justification, to belief. We may "want to believe" something (we may desire to hold something true) but in the absence of justification the belief will be irrational. Likewise, we may "think we need" something (we may believe we have a right to it) but as the desire is frustrated our passion for it wanes.

We are, ultimately, justified or satisfied, disappointed or frustrated, by experience. We cherish our beliefs, we sustain our desires, according to what we see around us and what we're able to do.

Of course, some desires are inextinguishable, some beliefs incorrigible. We may be frustrated in our pursuit of them and never let them go. We may be forever disappointed by the evidence of our senses and yet continue to believe. One must marvel at our stubbornness sometimes—our loyalty, our bigotry.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


The difference between ethos
and pathos is not emotion
but duration.

The difference between logos
and phallus is not conception
but erection.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The writer examines
his broken craft, gathers
the pieces, thumbs
their joints and hinges.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hang it all, Gertrude Stein,
nothing is really "inaccrochable";

Sunday, September 08, 2019

To be wise about something is to think it has no need of you. Or, rather, wisdom is the thought that "it is what it is", sufficient unto itself. This can be taken to extremes, to be sure. You might realize that you're not needed at all. The euphoria of wisdom, we might say, is the thought that literally everything is going to be okay. You come back to the world when you feel that things might not be as they seem, and something has to be done. You find your place again.

Philosophy elucidates our thinking.
As a branch of literature, it is the art of writing concepts down.

Poetry intensifies our feeling.
As a branch of literature, it is the art of writing emotions down.

Monday, September 02, 2019

To be in love with someone is to feel you need them in order to be yourself. Or rather, love is the feeling that without the other you can't become who you are supposed to be. Of course, your love may be doomed. Many loves are not to be. The misery of lost love is, literally, the feeling that you can't become who you are. To "get over it" is to accept that you're not who you thought you were. This frees you to pursue others—other others and other selves.

Sunday, September 01, 2019

Philosophy normalizes the empirical.

Poetry experiences the norm.